Sunday, September 26, 2010


Chronic fatigue syndrome is a state of continued tiredness.
It is difficult to cure completely. 
Proper medical advice, attention and patient’s active participation is helpful in relieving CFS SYNDROME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).Yoga and Meditation is very much helpful in controlling CFS syndrome.

They are vary in different patients but some common symptoms are mentioned
·         prolonged tiredness
·         Patient feels drained of energy from body.
·         Patient cannot do his daily duty completely. He can do, only forty to fifty percent of his daily duty.
·         This symptom is also present in patient with depression, headaches and body aches
              Low grade fever

Tips for Curing chronic fatigue syndrome
Tip: 1
Yoga and Meditation
·         Guided practice of Yoga assans (posture) is highly efficient in relieving stressful situation of patient.
·         Practicing meditation under proper supervision by yoga guru is very important .This will beneficial in reducing chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
·         Excessive physical and emotional stress is root cause of creating CFS syndrome.
·         Patient with CFS syndrome should practice art of deep breathing.
·         Deep breathing at regular Interval of day time, will reduce stress hormone drastically
             and  person with CFS syndrome will get Feeling of well being.

Tip: 2                                                      
Food Habits  
Soy bean plant-free image from wikimedia

Leafy Vegetable-Free image from wikimedia
·         Bad food habit is also contributing factor in aggravating CFS syndrome.
·         Whole Grain food, protein rich food, Nuts and soya foods are good energy supplements.
They are useful in reducing severity of CFS syndrome.
·         Citrus foods enrich with vitamin C and Leafy Vegetables are advisable for CFS patient.

Tip: 3
Medical treatment
·         Proper medical advice is must in curing ailment of CFS syndrome.
·         Doctors generally recommends anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs in curing CFS syndrome.
·         Pain relieving medicine also helpful for reducing muscle pain and body ache.
·         Doctors are also advising medicinal supplement of Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and VitamineB12.
Tip: 4
Aerobic Exercise
·         CFS patient who exercise regularly is more likely to become normal.
·         Fitness Walking is very useful
·        Jumping rope, Stair climbing and bicycling is advisable

Tip: 5
Increase comfort level of CFS syndrome
·         Extreme emotional stress and Nervous tension is major causes of this ailment.
·         Cognitive behavioral therapy and Self hypnosis
            is directly effective in establishing Patients comfort pace of life.

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